Period Fact #2 – How long is a Menstrual Cycle?

Period Fact #2 – How long is a Menstrual Cycle?

This post is second in our series about period facts – helping you to explain periods to your daughter.  In our first post last week we talked about what a period is, now we do a little explaining about how long a menstrual cycle lasts.

A menstrual cycle includes the whole process from when an ovary first releases an egg and lasts until the next egg is released.  To know how many days a whole cycle lasts, a girl can count the days from the first day of her last period to the first day of her next period.  Usually a menstrual cycle is about 28 days but it’s OK if the cycle is shorter or longer.  Remember that it may take up to a year for a girl to settle into a regular cycle.

Help your daughter to track her menstrual cycle using the free Dot Girl Period Calendar.  Knowing her cycle will help her be prepared with supplies, especially if she is away from home for an overnight camp or other activity.