Did he really need to shoot the laptop?

Did he really need to shoot the laptop?

Caution – some of the language in this video may not be appropriate for young children.  When you are done watching the video, tell me, did he really need to shoot the laptop?  I agree that the daughter choose the wrong medium to complain about her parents.  I can’t help thinking about my own childhood, I mean, sure, we would complain about our parents, but to our friends in the room, and it couldn’t be texted or tweeted since those technologies did not even exist then.  It could be repeated of course, but on a much smaller scale.

I strongly believe that children do learn from their parent’s examples of behavior.  And this daughter has just witnessed an example of her parent being violent to settle a grievance however justified that grievance may be.  The father definitely knew how to get his daughter’s attention – but did he really need to shoot the laptop?