Congratulations on 100 Years of Girl Scouting!

Congratulations on 100 Years of Girl Scouting!

Cookies Anyone?

Today is the 100th anniversary of the Girl Scouts of the USA and we would like to add our congratulations to the chorus honoring the anniversary.  Dot Girl had the honor of exhibiting at the 2011 National Girl Scout Convention in Houston, Texas this past November.  All told, approximately 12,000 Scouts, Troop Leaders and volunteer board members walked through the doors of the Houston Convention Center.  We have never seen such a sight.  Every girl was having fun, and every leader was looking for tools and information to improve the scouting experience for their troops.

Most of us come into contact with Girl Scouts during their annual cookie sales.  Some of us are lucky to have Scouts who sell to us every year while many more of us will see Troops standing in front of local grocery stores.  But Girl Scouts is much more than cookie sales.  Juliette ‘Daisy’ Gordon Low, the founder of Girl Scouts of the USA believed ‘that all girls should be given the opportunity to develop physically, mentally, and spiritually’.

Today Girl Scouts offers ‘Journeys’ in everything from science, performing arts, to issues involving the planet’s resources, the list goes on allowing every girl to find the Journey that fits her.  The goal is simple, to develop young women who will know how to work with others, have strong confidence in their own skills and be ready to lead whether in business, politics or their own communities.  We applaud this goal and wish the Girl Scouts of the USA another 100 years of growth and success.