There have been several great articles in the news over this past week centered around tween girls. We thought we would share them all in one big post. A little variety for everyone.
The first article, and closest one to our heart as it deals with periods and puberty, is from NPR News. The book A New Puberty is reviewed via an interview with the authors Julianna Deardorff and Louise Greenspan, two California based researchers. Pay particular attention to the comments if you are grappling with this issue as several parents have shared their experiences with their daughter and early puberty.
An eye opening article for any parent whose daughter uses Instagram is The Secret Language of Girls on Instagram by Rachel SImmons. Read how this popular social media tool can be a blow to a young girl’s self-image in the constant competition for ‘likes’.
And lastly, enjoy this very heartfelt article from Galit Breen – 14 Essential Truths About Raising a Tween Girl. Ms. Breen offers what she considers the best wisdom on how to love and nurture the tween girl in your life.